Word of the Father.
Now in flesh appearing.

A Reminder for Christmas.

[AND all the other 364 days too!]

We all need reminders.

Mine came at 5:30am on a groggy, too-early-too-dark December morning. I woke up to see that overnight one of my oldest and dearest friends had sent me a photo of a poster she had designed. It was a black background, containing eight poignant words in elegant white script. [With a sweet, blood-red heart connecting the two thoughts. A heart to perfectly encapsulate WHY it happened.]

“Word of the Father • Now in Flesh Appearing”

She had scoured the internet looking to purchase an art print with those same words – but couldn't find one anywhere. So instead of giving up, she ended up creating her own. She created her own reminder.

A simple reminder of what Jesus did for us — God the Father injecting Himself into the human race — for no other reason than Love. True. Sacrificial. Eternal. Love.

That reminder completely changed my mood.
My focus. My day. I pray THIS version, of the same message, will do the same for you. All year long.

Access “Christmas Zinnia“ Art Print

Download this REMINDER.

Click the blue button and I'll send you a link to the page where you can access this Christmas-inspired art print. The button will take you to the picture file to download.

All you need to do is save that file to a place on your computer where you know you can easily find it.

I took the file to Walgreen's and had an 8 x 10 color photo printed there. But if you have a color printer, just print the picture file at home and then pop it into a frame. So easy!

Another great place to have art products made is through www.shutterfly.com All you will need to do is upload the file to their website, and then you will have DOZENS of choices for things you can have made with the file. Have fun!

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