Master Self-Care in 7 Easy Steps.

I created this *free* course to help you create a healthy relationship with food, your body, and yourself.

7 Days of *free* Strategies that Transform Your Relationship With Food, Your Body & Yourself.

Mind | Body | Soul

This *free* 7-Day eCourse shares the step-by-step strategies to help you connect with yourself on a deeper level emotionally, mentally, physically. Here's a look at what you'll receive by email 1x/day for 7 days:


  • Day 1: Emotional Self-Care
  • Day 2: You Are What You See (& Hear!)
  • Day 3: Hello, Inner Critic!
  • Day 4: Let's Get Physical
  • Day 5: How You See Yourself (Body Image)
  • Day 6: How's Your Relationship with Food? An Intro to Intuitive (Mindful) Eating
  • Day 7: Self-Care Isn't Selfish & Tying it All Together
enroll for free!

Your Free 7-Day Self-Care Course is Only 1 Step Away

7-days of valuable, approachable email content on topics like body image, negative self-talk, intuitive (mindful) eating & more! All for free from me, Sam, at Hygge Wellness!