February 2017 Desktop Calendar

A 28-day desktop calendar. To help you REMEMBER your own story of “dry ground.”

“Red Sea”

A painting of HOPE for February.

If you are like me, you probably have stories in your life which are your own personal version of “Moses and the parting of the Red Sea." But how easy it is to forget those times when God miraculously made a way.

I painted this piece called “Red Sea” as a reminder to myself of ALL the times I have crossed over “on dry ground.” With no apparent explanation other than God's hand of blessing on my life.

To enjoy a free copy of this vibrant painting as a calendar during the upcoming month — simply download the file to a place you can easily find on your computer, and then set that file as your computer’s wallpaper (or desktop.)

To read more thoughts about remembering all the good in your own life, visit my blog at www.mariescotthomecolor.com

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Art of the Month FEBRUARY Calendar

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Featuring both the encouraging words, and uplifting artworks of artist Marie Scott.

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