How to Write Faster

A free course to improve your writing life

Become a happier, more productive author

This quick course will help you establish a powerful writing habit: writing faster.

We will discuss:

  • How to focus and avoid distraction
  • Why you have less time to work than you think
  • Useful gear and habits for protecting your health

Saleem: “Brilliant! Just love the whole thing!

Anette: "THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I NEED! (Yes, I chose to use all caps, that wasn’t a mistake.)"

I believe that you can learn to write faster, and finish more of the projects you start.

In fact, I believe that writing quickly is an essential part of your progress and gradual self-improvement as a writer.

By finishing more projects in less time, you will develop your writing skills more profoundly and more powerfully.

It's better to write fast and finish the thing -- better for you in the short term (because you will have actually finished the thing) -- and better for you in the long term, too (because you will gain more experience finishing things than you will being stuck and fixated over a difficult chapter or paragraph).

How is this course going to work? You will receive three emails a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays and Saturdays, until the course is complete. The entire series should therefore take about two weeks. There will be short writing assignments in most of the emails, to help you try out the skill or mindset shift that the email is recommending.

Julia: “Not all good writers are good teachers, but Daniel David Wallace (a talented, thoughtful writer himself) is a terrific instructor. His courses are chock full of useful information.”

Holly: “This was the course I needed to get me writing again.”

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