Thank you for making the health of your energy field a priority. Your registration will give you a chance to download a free Chakra Bliss Healing recording (56 minutes).
The focus of this healing session is a deep ancestral clearing and the installation of energies you need most at this time. This is a mainly silent healing with a brief introduction and a brief closing at the end. I advise you to listen to it lying down. Let your body and mind relax into the experience without any expectations. Let this be a time of quietness, stillness, release, and allowing. Please make sure to drink lots and lots of water before and after each session. You can listen to the recording multiple times, each time the energy will work deeper on you.
For more information on the weekly Healing Anywhere sessions, and to find out when the next call and recording is please check this site. Please make sure to read the Distance and Recorded Session Disclaimer and Terms and Conditions before listening to your session.
May you feel connected to your soul and the universal soul, and receive from them what you need most.
With love and light,
Please Note: Signing up for this offer will get you on my email list to receive weekly or monthly emails. I send my regular emails out through inner guidance, so some months you won’t get any, some months you may get two or three. They will not be more than four or five a month at the most, which rarely happens. I will not share your information with third parties at any point. You always have the option to unsubscribe by following the links provided in the emails.