A Labyrinth Journey to Your Center...

finding peace, insight & inspiration on a sacred path...

Travels of respite and calm...

a 7-day FREE mini-course in your email.

It's a crazy world. So many things tug at our attention that it's often hard to find ways to just let off steam and find some calm. Meditation, mindfulness, being present.... they all sound great, but sometimes it's just too hard to sit still.

Does this resonate?

Come join me as I introduce you to an ancient tool and contemplative practice that brings many great comfort, respite and insight... The Labyrinth.
I hope it will help YOU find a new practice of peace for yourself, to take into the New Year and beyond!

Register BELOW for this 7-DAY MINI-COURSE
of calm and creativity: my GIFT to YOU that will include daily emails with videos, tips and a creative labyrinth project.

Sadelle Wiltshire,
Teaching Artist, Meditative and Contemplative Art
Veriditas Certified Labyrinth Facilitator,
Labyrinth Society Regional Representative (VT, US)


By registering, you are also agreeing
to our Privacy Policy.


Join the Journey....

Add your name and email address below.
Be sure to confirm your subscription in the email that follows!

Your Labyrinth Journey starts on December 26.

We won't send you spam. Unsubscribe at any time.