The Sacred Pause

Restore and Replenish Your Inner Power

Rejuvenate Your Sacred Power

Friday 10th August 7pm UK - Join from anywhere in the world

Take a moment to pause, rest and take a breath.

The Sacred Pause is a gentle yet powerful energy session. It holds the space for you to be able to release personal, collective, or ancestral patterns that prevent you from embodying and claiming the fullest expression of your feminine power.

The root of these patterns are often unhealed and repressed grief (and anger) that woman can hold in their womb space (energetic or actual) and come from events such as infertility, miscarriage, abortion, dis-ease and surgery, and unwanted sexual attention/events.

When left, the energy can fester and can show up as:

  • Self-Rejection and Judgement
  • Feeling unseen, unheard or disconnected
  • Not knowing what to do next in your life
  • Being unable to fully express yourself

When you experience these events, everything for you changes, yet society isn't set up to support you move through this energy. The Sacred Pause has been created to support you do just that.

Alongside traditional support, the Sacred Pause is designed to transmute these energetic patterns and replace them with supportive energy that strengthens and rejuvenates you. Giving you the courage to make changes and move forward so that you can live your life on your terms and express your truth.

When you join the Sacred Pause, my intention for you is to:

  • Begin to call back your missing pieces
  • Remember your wholeness
  • Bring balance and harmony to your inner SHEro Archetypes
  • Release grief
  • Gradually and gently heal

When is the Sacred Pause?
The Sacred Pause will take place on Saturday the 10th August, at 7pm UK time, in the energy of the Dark Moon.

How do I receive the Sacred Pause?
All you have to do to receive The Sacred Pause, is get yourself somewhere comfortable and relax as much as you can. Then be open to receiving the energy.

You will want to be somewhere were you won't be disturbed for at least 20-30 minutes.

You must register to receive the energy transmission for the Sacred Pause and all the details will be emailed to you before the event.

Sign Up

Reset Your Energy and Realign With Your Soul

Simply complete your details below, so that I can email you everything you need to begin Your SHEro's Journey of healing and rejuvenation.